Virtual Escape Games: The Future of Team Building

Chart a course of adventure as you immerse yourself in the wonderfully crafted world of virtual escape games!

Traditionally carried out at a physical location, escape rooms challenge those that dare enter their realm to search for clues and solve myriad puzzles in an attempt to win the ultimate prize, the unlocking of the final door that leads to their freedom and newly found confidence.

As time progressed, the notion of mobile escape rooms — a means of delivering escape rooms to teams — became an instant hit, as it allowed everyone to participate while eliminating the planning and cost associated with travel and accommodations. That concept eventually led to virtual escape games; drawing together team members from remote locations. This new concept helped bridge the divide between friends, family, and colleagues by providing them with something more than just a source of entertainment. Rather, it inspired a common goal that they could work together to achieve; a goal that would require collaboration, critical thinking, and a thirst for good-old-fashioned mystery solving’.

Here at Mobile Escape, we have taken that progression to another level by offering a mail version of this beloved game. What does this mean? It means that teammates can interact with the game but not have to be in the same physical location to participate and getting access to play is simple. There is something so appealing about the tactile nature of water-stained maps that reveal the path to treasure, blueprints and schematics that lead to secrets in unknown corridors, airplane boarding passes nestled in between passports, and so much more. We create mobile escape games that excite the senses and spur the beholder into problem-solving mode.

To play, there are three options to choose from; a single episode, an entire season all at once, or a monthly subscription. In addition, we offer custom design options for those that are looking for something that is tailored to your brand and message. unique and therefore that much more engaging. The first option, a single episode, is for the weekend adventurer that simply wants to dip their toes into the murky and mysterious waters that beckon their exploration while the second option includes an entire season comprised of twelve episodes to figure out binge-style . The third option caters to those that fall in between the first two, as it includes a monthly subscription that stages twelve episodes over the course of a year. Many prefer this option as it sets a pace and provides an activity to do and look forward to throughout the course of a year. Looking for where to sign up? Firstly, we like your enthusiasm, and secondly, you can get the full details on each of these options by heading over to Mobile Escape’s shop page.

Benefits of Escape Games for Team Building

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High-fives on the softball field, paddle claps at the ping-pong table, and thumbs-up through an escape game webcam session, games have been at the core of any organization that seeks to unite its colleagues while instilling a go-get-em' attitude.

Mobile Escape games, in particular, are a great way to build positive relationships within teams. It is through the collaborative and problem-solving process of completing the game’s puzzles that teammates not only learn from one another but learn that they can rely on each other. This knowledge then carries over into the workplace where they use their newly honed skills and trust within their colleagues to tackle new projects and obstacles.

To learn more about the nuances of team building through escape games, visit Mobile Escape’s dedicated team building page here.

Virtual Escape Games for Remote Teams

The first part of the name speaks loudly, ‘remote’ teams. While the concept of remote interactions has its advantages, there is one element that most certainly is lacking in the digital business landscape — friendly connections.

Most remote interactions are either performed via e-mail, telephone, or videoconferencing, or a combination of all three, which typically involves a brief salutation followed by a predictable pattern of conversation that often doesn’t feel personal or fun.

In the remote world, team leaders must get creative. They need to motivate their teams. Virtual escape games are a great solution to this dilemma. Quite simply, games allow remote teams to engage one another and have fun, much like they would at the office. They encourage the formation of new relationships and nurture existing ones. While productivity and pay are two important factors, it is the friendships and interpersonal relationships of a team that result in fulfillment from and loyalty to an organization.

Benefits of Escape Games for Large Teams

Talent can be hidden amongst the crowd but mobile escape games can assist event organizers in spotting untapped potential that rises to the mystery-solving occasion.

When large groups are broken into smaller teams, it often results in a leader being designated to each one, either from a deliberate maneuver by the event organizer or through a natural evolutionary process within each team. These new leaders who may have been stifled in a large sea of colleagues have been given an opportunity to showcase their skills in a more intimate setting, skills that may prove to be useful on the corporate front.

Ready to see your team rise to the occasion? Click here to book your next escape game with Mobile Escape!

Virtual Escape Games—Any Time, Any Place

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Computer? Check.
Mailbox? Check.
Enthusiasm? Check. You’re all set!

The inherent nature of virtual escape games is that they can be carried out at any time and at any place. Regardless of team size and location, we at Mobile Escape understand that everyone can join in on the fun and it is important to do so. To get them psyched for the big event, we encourage you to visit our blog which provides a behind-the-scenes view of each of the episodes.

Virtual Escape Games are Easy to Organize

The elimination of meetup locations and their accompanying prerequisite of scheduling the transportation to and fro makes virtual escape games an easy option for those that are organizationally challenged or quite simply find the notion of engaging in a major orchestration to be somewhat daunting.

With regard to the planning of the game itself, we have designed a service that is user-friendly for both the event planner and participants. Once an order has been placed, we will send the organizer the game kit which will include all the packets that they can later distribute to each of the team members, or we can send them directly to participants. Your event organizer has the option of requesting that we remove the links to the hint page so that the participants are required to go through the moderator to gain such hints.

From here, the only thing left to do is set the dates and times that would be conducive to everyone's schedules and let the fun begin.

Virtual Escape Team Building is Cost-Effective

When considering options for entertaining your team, the associated cost can often be a determining factor. Luckily, using our puzzles at Mobile Escape, we offer cost-effective virtual escape team building packages with bulk rates for kits that range from $13.75/per piece to $8.00/per piece. When compared to other virtual escape companies that have a minimum investment that can exceed $5,000, you’ll see that here at Mobile Escape, we not only cater to large corporations with robust budgets, but to the little guys as well.

Visit our Bulk Orders page here where you can see a full break-down of the pricing structure.

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Corporate Benefits of Virtual Escape Games

An honorable workplace serves as more than just a place where employees clock-in and out with the expectation of receiving a paycheck. Rather, it’s the location of their work tribe, i.e. their trusted colleagues whom they collaborate with, rolling up their sleeves to tackle company goals.

Virtual escape games are a great way to achieve that sentiment by fostering critical thinking and group collaboration while strengthening the overall morale among a corporation’s employees.

COVID-19 and Virtual Team Building

The onslaught of COVID-19 catapulted the world into an isolative state that would usher in a ‘new normal’, one that would stop all the physical connections we take for granted. From the friendly banter between baristas at the local coffee shop to strangers holding the door for one another, everything just stopped, forcing us all to pivot and adjust to this new state.

At Mobile Escape, we adjusted too and recognized that though we were all confined to our homes, this is where virtual team building through mobile escape games comes into play — literally. These games bring with them associated victories for those that accept the challenge, and during a time of uncertainty and loss, it is the small victories that can have the most uplifting and meaningful impact on our lives.

Let Mobile Escape Guide You Through the Fascinating World of Escape Room Games

Ready to experience the adventures for yourself? Great!

Whether you are looking to try one season, our subscription, or dive into all twelve episodes at once, contact us at Mobile Escape and then your fun begins. Customer service is a top priority for our team and you can easily contact us by clicking here or call us at (403) 816-8350. We can’t wait to get you started on your mobile escape!