Behind the Scenes: Episode 2


The creation of Episode 1 was at the dawn of COVID-19, in the midst of our company trying to pivot, manage staff, make projections, cancel invoices, and complete a number of disaster management tasks. In other words, it was hectic and chaotic. So, not surprisingly, we’ve had to circle back to it and make edits and print re-runs numerous times.

Episode 2 however has been a very different experience! 

At the time of its creation, we had started to get our bearings. Episode 1 was gaining traction and we were making frequent large-batch runs to the mailbox:

She’s a big helper!

She’s a big helper!

We had a sense of what it took to make an episode. And as a result we made far fewer mistakes with Episode 2.

In fact, Episode 2 might be our least-edited episode ever. 

It was designed to be the ying to Episode 1’s yang. This “ying and yang” strategy is something we’ve deployed from the first days of our company’s existence. Check it out:

Our mobile unit has two rooms in it, each with a different, self-contained storyline. And since we serve a wide group of participants - and since they do not book us for the theme (usually) but moreso for our unique delivery model - every build-out has two rooms that are very different.

This is the same with Episodes 1 and 2.

Episode 1:

  • take you back

  • to a classically loved adventure,

  • wrinkled and worn,

  • something faded

  • with texture to it

Episode 2:

  • make you feel high tech,

  • slick and polished

  • instantaneous results

  • more video

  • high stakes!

The colour palettes for each episode are very different, the objective, radically different, and that’s part of our hope. That after playing 1 or 2 episodes, there’s something for everyone.


In Episode 2, you’re back with JJ in “real time” as we branched out and tried more video. The video sets the scene and concludes the game, and in the interim, players enter codes in a digital portal (our website).

The hostage scenario harkens to the escape room genre, which is something we always want to do with Escape Mail. And since we had this amazing escape room set to shoot in (Sunken Submarine) we thought, hey, why not put JJ in a submarine?

[These captors must have a lotta dough!]

We also thought this angle on the storyline would endear “Cuz” to JJ since you’re saving his life. A bond with the main character is a good thing!

Plus, this Episode helps further set up the enemy: The Hunters. We know so little about them at this point, but clearly their submarine was impressive enough to garner some legitimacy as a foe to be reckoned with. 

Escape Mail Episode 2 Preview Image

[Although if you’re going to tie up JJ, you gotta do a better job than that!]

We’ll learn more about the Hunters later.


Since the theme of Episode 2 is very different than Episode 1, you’re also going to see very different components in the envelope. We’ve got a classic black-and-green sonar as the main item, with metallic butterfly pin and smooth, plastic sonar arm. Some assembly required, but very minimally. This is the main feature of the episode from a materials standpoint and it’s meant to make you feel very different than you did in Episode 1.

There are a number of other items as well, mostly on different types of paper. 

Episode 2 product photography

Since there are quite a few items in this Episode, we’ve had a bit of trouble ensuring nothing gets missed! (Sorry if “Missing Person” has been “missing items”! We’re still developing processes to ensure we keep mistakes to an absolute minimum.)

In this Episode, we planted an Easter Egg for a future episode with the mysterious woman in the wallet photo. Who is she? Why did JJ send us her photo? Time will tell.

Some blank grids, a ticker tape, a bright red digital-esque intro letter, an aerial photo with QR codes and an odd flashing lights panel make up the rest of the envelope.

While there’s a lot going on in terms of number of items, players tell us we’ve managed to create a very doable, manageable puzzle. And a big reason for that is the digital side of things…


Most players like knowing what to focus on next. Not knowing can feel disorienting.

In this Episode, we took a natural next step in the digital world which really helped players.

When “gating” content that you - the player - accesses, we decided using our website would be a) strategic b) easy to deploy c) great for the user. Many players seem to appreciate how straight forward it is:

  • There’s a puzzle online that connects with the items in front of you.

  • It’s usually pretty clear which items it connects to based on the imagery that’s online.

  • And you enter in a password which is either right or wrong.

Easy peasy.

The video adds some great storytelling but most of the solving is done with your envelope. Which is what we want: a hands-on experience!


Thanks to many of you for reviewing Episode 2. We really love hearing from you and hope you write us with ideas, thoughts, and comments!

Check out Episode 2 in the store here.